
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

So i've always had a fascination about the end of humanity and bizzare techno/biological theories about the end of the human race. Check out these weird happenings regarding bizarre animals attacks (courtesy of GQ magazine)

- In four small english sea ports, seabirds started targeting people
- In Sonoma County, chicken populations started attacking children.
- Elephants in Africa killed over a thousand victims over the last decade and destroyed fourty four nigerian communities in a single migatory season
- In bombay 2008, a pack of leopards entered the town and murdered a total of twenty two peope
-90,000 people in Beijing have been attacked by dogs and four have been shot by dogs over the last two years.
-A pack of 200 dogs descended out of the Albanian mountains and attacked people
- A community of Chimpanzees in Senegal started to fashion spears.
-Attacks by dolphins have increased, killing two in Cancun
- Sea lions in Alaska attacked a fisherman and drowned him
-Chimps in Uganda and Tanzania started stealing human babies when their habitat started getting destroyed
-Beavers in Belarus started attackign people
-A jogger in North Carolina was surronded by oversized hermit crabs and drove him off the pier
-The first ever stingray deaths occured last year, one of them a famous incident involving Steve Irwin

Well these facts might just be a hoax but if it were true it would be definitely very interesting... but its just a fact to ponder apon. As our earth ehats up, evolution speeds up to. In a time where animals might start to wage a war against humans, we have to ask ourselves. Is humanity staring at the begining of its doom?

Exclamation_popcorn reflected on life at 4:39 PM

Sunday, February 24, 2008

and yea... it was a disappointing weekend.

Exclamation_popcorn reflected on life at 12:49 PM

Im tired of empty promises. This is one of the reasons why I believe humans are selfish, conceded people who only look out for themselves in all situations. Its tiring that people just keep making these promises that they never ever keep and what makes it worst is that they fail to realize that and act as if nothing was done.
But yet despite all this, they still expect so much out of you. Im just like a little bitch right.. running errands… just a tool. It sucks.. its tiring.. its just not very fun to be in the middle of a whole word of self-centeredness.
Plainly put, its tiring to be the only person putting it all out there for someone else and not getting anything in return. Honestly, is it fair that I put myself emotionally out there for other ppl yet these people are never ever there for me? Its not fair that people only need you for favors… and yet noone will put themselves out there. I guess this is one of the reasons why life feels kinda lonely.

This blog has started to become a real downer…. Sorry but life is kinda like that sometimes..

Exclamation_popcorn reflected on life at 12:47 PM

Saturday, February 23, 2008

I know that this weekend is going to be a bitterly disappointing weekend

Exclamation_popcorn reflected on life at 9:08 AM

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

You know who the lonely ones are. They're the ones who have their headphones in when they eat.

Exclamation_popcorn reflected on life at 10:12 AM

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Wow... that was a slight drunk post. (yes i did make it to a party... first in weeks..screw midterms)
But seriously.. The Bravery was one of the best concerts i've ever been to. They were lively, they were crazy, Sam Endicott danced like a maniac and sand like a beast. Oh and i got a pick from them! (Thanks to geoff's long reaching hands).

So life is going well i suppose? I mean it was pretty much a terrible week... there was my god-awful Immunology midterm which i completely tanked. A professor who teaches that class like we're graduate students, throws endless mind nmbing details and sets these ridiculously hard midterms... how can that ever be good? It completely sucks.
Then there was Valentines Day... and once again... it turned out more like (qouting Tim) "Single Awareness Day). The girls down the hall had their secrey valentines and boys werent allowed but it was all good i suppose? Some time away from us and soon they were crawling back. =D
Then it snowed bad and its miserably cold and not to mention im quickly fitting into the college student stereotype... drunk and broke and studios all at the same time.
But then yesterday happened so that made up for the whole week i suppose and i'm going out to some dance party tonight (maybe?).
So i guess life is pretty decent.

Then on sunday... i find out my Immunology test score... and its all downhill from there.

Exclamation_popcorn reflected on life at 11:09 PM

THe Bravery concert at Newpor Music Hall !!! IT was so fucking amazing... it was one of the best live performances ive ever seen.... i mean Sam Edicott is just amazing and ending with unconditional is jsut pur genuis....
that was Such a good concert... i hope they come bak!



Exclamation_popcorn reflected on life at 3:33 PM

Friday, February 08, 2008

Life is kinda lonely and complicated rite now....when are you guys coming on MSN?

Exclamation_popcorn reflected on life at 11:28 AM

Saturday, February 02, 2008

you'd remind yourself your not that lonely. you read the letters that people wrote on your farewell.. you feel better... than we return to the real world and you relize everyone has moved on and all the promises they made will never be held true and they've now got best friends of their own. They'll be finding their lovers soon and then you'll relize that your basically left behind at this point. Your never going to find the love that they find, your never going to be best friends 'forever' and your going to be like this for the rest of your life. Its sad that you realize these things when your not yourself..

Exclamation_popcorn reflected on life at 12:38 PM

here i go again.
this time im putting on my mask

Exclamation_popcorn reflected on life at 12:08 PM