I've recently developed a sort of idea that tests a person's measure of value on personal items....
Labels: Philosophical Rantings
|Exclamation_popcorn reflected on life at 1:55 AM
Before , the longest word to me was Supercalafragilisticexpaladacious
Exclamation_popcorn reflected on life at 2:04 AM
Lists of things to do over the holiday that i probably won't end up doing but i might as well try..
Exclamation_popcorn reflected on life at 1:21 AM
Perhaps its the midnight boredom... or the fact that everyone has choosen to abandon me in a lonesome town or maybe the fact that i'm being all nostalgic and blog-driven....but this is the third post in an hour.
Labels: Philosophical Rantings
|Exclamation_popcorn reflected on life at 1:05 AM
Labels: Dilbert Comics
|Exclamation_popcorn reflected on life at 12:55 AM
Among the world's cliche includes the fact that everyone thinks girls are more sensitive than guys. MYth, myth, complete myth, cuz when it comes to certain things, your gonna strike a guy's sensitivity like a peircing arrow through those graphic hearts. Basically, IMO, 3 things always strikes a guy's sensitivity the most out of everything else
Labels: Philosophical Rantings
|Exclamation_popcorn reflected on life at 11:22 PM
Basically in broken french, it means the man who looks but does not see.
Labels: Philosophical Rantings
|Exclamation_popcorn reflected on life at 1:28 PM
Those looks, those whispers, those quiet remarks..... i understand them all, i recognize them and i know whats going on. I'm not stupid or oblivious that i fail to detect the signals alot of people have been making about me(though not always in front of me). Its so obvious yet they try to conceil them but i know. I always know but its always better never to question and denounce but rather keep things inhibited.... because conflict always arises from the truth. Yet for a while i've been starring at the truth, wondering who is real and who is fake.... who truly has capacity for friendship and who is simply miraging themselves as regular companions. Even so, Turth and emotional displays are never pecieved well.... therefore the ones who socialize and applease the most people are those who conceal their true thoughts and emotions so that everyone gets appleased. But the lingering prblems still remain...those are the people who have a shining layer of non-problems and simple life but are turly yearning for a better existance.
Exclamation_popcorn reflected on life at 12:58 AM
Here are the pics.....
Labels: Events
|Exclamation_popcorn reflected on life at 10:40 AM
This is written yesterday because the good-for-nothing inti connection was not working yet again
Labels: Philosophical Rantings
|Exclamation_popcorn reflected on life at 1:05 PM
I might not be very poetic or must of a poem-phile but there is one poem that i do remember is the symbolic poetry by Robert Frost..... it might not be as flowery as others and mite not be so mind-numbingly confuisng with all the metaphors and double meanings that it leaves the reader puzzled and catatonic.
Labels: A Touch of literature
|Exclamation_popcorn reflected on life at 10:39 PM
Just got bak fro Cameroon whichw as fun overall had good times and giving props to all those that made it a fun weekend. =)
Labels: Philosophical Rantings
|Exclamation_popcorn reflected on life at 12:35 AM
Revengful? Spiteful? Have a grudge agaisnt something....
Labels: Media
|Exclamation_popcorn reflected on life at 2:19 AM
This is somewhat true but very relatable with what we do everyday in our lives. Living is never simple....instead its often a series of complicated yet coincidental events that somehow intertwin with events of the other 6 billion people in the world. But in cases, to truly live is to be brave and couragoues. Now i'm not asking you to go whip lions into puppy dog positions but rather i'm saying take risks in everything you do.... even the small things like choosing which shot at the pool table or what food your going to have for branch. To really live is to do things you;ve never been comfortable doing before and to face challenges head on rather than cowering away behind the staircase. People who 'play it safe'
Labels: Philosophical Rantings
|Exclamation_popcorn reflected on life at 2:34 AM
Steps to make your problems go away
Exclamation_popcorn reflected on life at 1:11 AM
after one loooooooong month of waiting, i fianlly got back my beloved and dearly misssed laptop from the dreaded clutches of the Hp factory. But now theres no more annoying white line on the comptuer screen but a consistent solid white monitor thats shoots radiation that eventually turns your eyes to mush.
Labels: Updates
|Exclamation_popcorn reflected on life at 12:53 AM